Randy Alvarez launched “The Wellness Hour TV Show” in 1999. The Wellness Hour airs on TV in approximately 70 million homes across North America and features the leading medical doctors, dentists and other licensed health practitioners in the US. The “Medical News Show” is a television and social media platform for doctors to discuss breakthroughs in their specialty with the communities they serve. Alvarez has transformed the show’s website into an extensive online medical resource for both doctors and the public.
Randy believes in leading your marketing campaign with a strategy which involves creating a rapport with potential clients centered around emotional draw for the client’s issues. What are the right questions to ask, how you can get before and after pictures of your dental customers and how to skillfully use educational content to assist your purchaser in making a decision based on how they will feel after their work is finished, not the mechanics of engineering of the dental prosthetic.
Grab your notebook and find out how Randy takes his prospect’s medical businesses from low to grow with his marketing techniques and his media knowledge.
Show Notes:
[02:19] The primary target group for Wellness Hour.
[03:20] The story behind Randy’s success.
[05:08] History of sales training and speaking gigs from corporate companies and how the Wellness Hour started.
[08:30] Fundamentals of marketing science and how you shouldn’t say “we are different from everyone else”.
[10:35] What dentists don’t do enough of when they are marketing and changing the way dentists talk about dentistry.
[16:31] Questions you should ask to base your marketing campaign around to attract clients based on their life experiences.
[17:52] Selling based on your client’s pain points and connect them to what they want.
[21:30] Systems sell patients, connecting with the patient on an emotional level.
[24:55] Steps and strategy toward patient centered growth and how to create a marketing campaign to expand your practice.
[29:23] Building rapport with potential clients as part of your marketing strategy.
[29:55] How to get before and after photos from your patients.
[35:17] Why you want your client to sign their after photos.
[37:07] Using education in your clinical setting to show clients your services.
[40:12] Factors other than marketing which can affect your client base.
[42:02] Using the Andrew Weil & Steven Covey approach to developing client relationships.
[44:36] What not to do when you are a dentist.
[48:52] Books about marketing which Randy recommends to read. Email him at his email below to get a reading list which he suggests to read to market your business.
[50:40] How to get in contact with Randy for marketing information.
[54:54] Quit talking about great customer service.
As always thanks so much for listening! If you like the show we would love for you to review the show on iTunes as well as spread the word! If you have any questions or want to get in touch, shoot me an email at [email protected].
Links and Resources:
The Millennial Dentist Website
@Millennialdentist on Facebook
On Instagram Dr. Sully…@Millennialdentist on Instagram Dr. Peyman…@drpeyray on Instagram
Interview With Sully Sullivan and Peyman Raissi - Dental Profits
The Dental Profits Academy Course
What Got You Here Won't Get You There
Guest Information
[email protected] to get a need analysis from Randy from The Wellness Hour
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