Today’s episode is a short and sweet episode of a recap of a mastermind experience I had recently in Raleigh with some good friends. It’s a fun discussion in one of T-Bone’s basement after some continuing education all day. I say it all the time, but some of the best CE isn’t the CE, but the CE after the CE! It’s a short conversation about the importance of systems, the verbiage we use with patients, and the importance of your team being co-owners in the practice! We got cut off by dinner plans, but this fifteen minutes is just jam paced with goodness and I had to share.
One of my favorite parts is listening to my friend Dipesh talk about his education post dental school. It’s often asked on how do you pay for or can you afford education after dental school because of loans. Well, Dipesh had over half a million dollars in loans when he graduated and kept taking courses…turned out pretty good for him!
As always thanks so much for listening! If you like the show we would love for you to review the show on iTunes as well as spread the word! If you have any questions or want to get in touch, shoot me an email at [email protected].
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