Check out this interview I just had with Jonathon Van Horn. He is a Dental specific CPA who I feel like really does provide his clients enormous benefit. If I were in the market CPA he would for sure be on my short list. Give him a shout and tell him you heard him on the podcast. Special thanks to him for taking time out of his super busy season to join us. Below is from his website and his email is [email protected].
Jonathan created DentistMetrics to solve the problem facing many dentists – they have a complicated business and their time is stretched way too thin. Most dentists spend 15,000 hours learning to be a dentist but ZERO hours learning how to be a business owner.
DentistMetrics aims to completely automate and outsource the bookkeeping, financial reporting, and tax portion of the dentist’s business so that they can focus on what really matters in their practice.
By creating an automated workflow for the dentist and by focusing on showing dentists what numbers they need to be watching, DentistMetrics has allowed dental practices around the country to raise profits by hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.
When not interviewing dentists on his podcast Start Your Dental Practice, coaching dentists on being a better business owner, or just nerding it up with business owners about ways to be more profitable Jonathan enjoys spending time going to the lake with his wife April, daughter Harper, and son Finn. He’s also been known to play golf. (poorly)
Weird facts about Jonathan – he was once ranked in the top ten in the nation at whiffleball, played bass guitar in a rock band for eight years, and spent his college years playing semi-professional poker.
We are excited to have opened our new location, which we have been practicing for the past three weeks. Listen to today’s episode as...
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